Rank | Team | Reason |
1 | Arizona | Outside of the capital A you will see the country A |
2 | Kansas | Jayhawk Jaywalked across the crosswalk |
3 | UConn | Underdog UConn chilling at third place |
4 | Houston | Blood kentucky? |
5 | Baylor | |
6 | Marquette | Market is a good team |
7 | Purdue | Fun fact this college waitlisted me. In return I rode with madame zeroni up a chairlift a couple of times and then she cursed them to always lose to New Jersey teams in the tounrament. |
8 | Creighton | Man I miss thanksgiving |
9 | North Carolina | Fun fact the C is a sideways U to show UNC |
10 | Texas | Honestly a part of me thinks this team shouldn't be ranked but after using the supercomputer that is my brain the calculationos say put them here so I gotta trust the math. |
11 | Oklahoma | Insert witty comment |
12 | Clemson | The eyes on this mascot scare me. Looks like 4 year old who tried acid. |
13 | Virginia | Vanderbuilt bring back your old logo please |
14 | Wisconsin | Fun fact: I always bet on this team to go farther in the tournament than others |
15 | Illinois | - Kendrick Lamar |
16 | James Madison | Not losing is a bold stategy lets see how it pans out |
17 | Florida Atlantic | Why would anyone go to your main campus when one is at Fort Lauderdale. |
18 | Colorado State | Fun Fact I toured this campus. Extremely bike centric holy shit you guys gotta bike a mile for each class. I'm not hating tho bike infrastucture needs to grow in this country. Hell public transportati |
19 | Ole Miss | on drastically needs to improve in general. Did you know Washington DC extended how late its subways ran for a study and DUI's dropped 40%! Did you know suburban neighborhoods are a tax burden on the |
20 | Kansas State | government and even poor neighborhoods in downtown walkable areas subsidise these 15 minute car ride from the city suburban towns. It's actually pretty drastic if you look into it. The whole suburban |
21 | Providence | system really is a ponzi scheme where citys and towns will get funding to create a bunch of roads from the government or wherever, but they don't realize that these roads take such a tole on your |
22 | Princeton | budget overtime to repair. You see how many potholes your street has? You wonder why they don't fix it? It's because streets are very very expensive to repair. And their are so many of them with all |
23 | Memphis | the suburban neighborhoods going everywhere. Especially when you "add another lane" to reduce traffic because their is no alternative so everyone has to drive. It works for a year and then demand |
24 | TCU | catches up and you're burdened even more. Proven time and time again the absolute only way to fix traffic/conjections is alternatives to driving. |
25 | South Carolina | What the fuck is that thing? |
I thought last week was hard to make rankings but this was brutal. Oklahoma and clemson took a big jump but no one deserves that 13-18 spot in my opinion. I had to refect and change my previous biases such as considering kansas state, providence, and wisconsin in a new light for my rankings to make any sense to me. Also I wanted to rank so many teams and then looking in their historys they always had one or two losses that were just to bad to justify ranking them. In the end I think this looks pretty alright tho.